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About BC Aviation Council

Open to all, the BCAC is a member-driven organization dedicated to the well-being of the provincial aviation and aerospace industry. Founded in 1938(!), the Council has 1150 active members and a total of 8000 supporters. Members include Students (free), Recent Graduates ($20), Individuals ($100), Corporate ($549) and Corporate Partner ($5000). In addition to being engaged in the advocacy, communications, networking  and educational activities of the Council, members receive attractive training and accommodation discounts. 

The Council is also entrusted with Canada's largest aviation and aerospace scholarship program in the country. Over $200,000 will be distributed in 2025 and beyond.

The Council runs two signature events - our late Spring Policy/Programs Conference and the Silver Wings Industry and Scholarship Awards Celebration in November at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Open to all.

The work of the Council is done by its committees: Air Operators, Airports, Climate, Communications, Conference, Endowment, Finance and Investments, Flight Training Units, Governance, Industry Awards, Leadership, Membership, Scholarship, Silver Wings, and Youth Engagement. If you are a Supporting Member, consider joining one of these rewarding pursuits.

Please take a moment to review our Five Year Strategic Plan. Presenting our vision, mission, values and strategic goals, this document guides us as we move our industry forward in this challenging environment. If it resonates with you, and you are not already a member, consider joining our Team. Aviation and aerospace is the critical infrastructure that drives our Communities forward economically and socially.


All good things,

Dave Frank

Executive Director

Products & Services

Frequent Flyer eNewsletter

Late Spring Policy/Programs Conference

Silver Wings Industry and Scholarship Awards Celebration

Training Discounts

Accommodation Discounts

Airport Parking Discounts

Industry Advocacy

Educational Programming


Provincially Focussed Website and Resources

Active and Proactive Committee Structure

Job Board

Company Directory

Social Media Support

Great People

Primary Company Location
#306 - 8300 Bennett Rd
V6Y 1N5
604-644-6426 (direct)

Member Employees

  • Dave Frank

Company Contact

Dave Frank
604-644-6426 (direct)