The BC Aviation Council Is Holding a COVID-19 Webinar June 9th, 2:00pm Pacific on "What Comes Next? BC Air Carriers and Airports Chart Recovery". Free registration for members and non-members is through BCAviationCouncil.org events here. Members get priority "seating".
COVID-19 stopped air carriers and airports in their tracks, with aviation business down over 93% in the Province. Travel, tourism and economic development are some of the most virus impacted sectors. In response, air carriers and airports are developing and implementing action plans in real time.
This one-hour webinar allows industry professionals responding to the crisis to discuss their plans and views looking forward.
The webinar is co-hosted by the BC Aviation Council (BCAC), the Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC), and the BC Economic Development Association (BCEDA) in recognition of the impact that this crisis is having on aviation, aerospace, tourism, communities, and the economy. We will all need to, and are, working closely together for recovery to be successful.
Speakers are:
Quentin Smith, President, Pacific Coastal, Airlines (third largest YVR air operator by movements)
Parm Sidhu, Airport General Manager, Abbotsford International Airport
Brant Arnold-Smith, Director, Security and Terminal Operations, Victoria International Airport
Moderator, Rob Beynon, Founder, Operations Economics Inc.
BCAC to Run First Virtual AGM
Join us on June 16th, 3:00pm Pacific, for our first Zoom annual general meeting. Registration is at https://bit.ly/BCAC-AGM-2020. Only open to BCAC Members. We promise this 1:15 long AGM will be one of the most informative and entertaining AGMs you've ever attended!
DRAFT Agenda
Welcoming Remarks - Heather Bell, Chair
2019 Financial Results - Jack Lazareff, Treasurer
Election of Directors - Gregg Rafter, Chair Governance Committee
- Steve Michoulas, Partner, McMillan Law
- Cathy Press, CEO, Chinook Helicopters
Laura Mortensen, Founder, Curiosity Analysis, Kelowna
BCAC's Operational Response to COVID-19: Ensuring our Own Survival - Jack Lazareff/Heather Bell
New Five Year Strategic Plan - Teara Fraser, Vice Chair
Executive Director's Report 2019/2020 - Dave Frank
Hope to "see" you there.
If you have topics for future COVID webinars, contact us at Dave@BCAviationCouncil.org
If you like the proactive approach the BC Aviation Council is taking tackling COVID-19, support our efforts by becoming a student (free), recent graduate ($20/year), individual ($100/year) or corporate ($500/year) member. Many people and companies are. The Council only exists because of, and for, you.
Silver Wings 2020 and Airports, Aviation, Aerospace Conference 2021
In case you hadn't guessed it, there is a 98% chance this year's Silver Wings Industry and Scholarship Awards Celebration will be postponed until 2021 and/or go virtual.
Save the date: Our Airports, Aviation, Aerospace Spring Conference will be held May 16-18, 2021 at the Laurel Point In in Victoria. The F.O.A.M. conference will immediately follow. The 2021 theme remains the same - reducing our industry's environmental footprint.