Moving Beyond Covid-19
After an absolutely brutal 16 months for most of the aviation and aerospace industry, it is time to focus on restart and rebuild. This is the first of several Frequent Flyer eNewsletters designed to encourage and facilitate going forward - leading up to our Airports, Aviation, Aerospace Conference in Victoria May 15-17, 2022.
Registration Closes Today (Monday) 5pm Pacific: World Trade Centre and the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade BC-Mexico Aerospace Virtual Trade Mission
The BC Aviation Council is a proud sponsor of this business development event. Supporters of the BCAC can attend for free using the promo code: BCMexico21
B.C.-Mexico Aerospace Trade/Investment Opportunities
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Tuesday, July 20, 2021,12:00 PM Pacific
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This event is free for GVBoT members and BCAC Supporters using the code above.
Schedule: Online Program 12:00 - 1:15 p.m. PT
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You will be sent a Zoom link to participate prior to the event. Please do not share the link as it will inhibit your ability to join.
Online Registration closes 5 p.m. Monday, July 19
In partnership with the Consulate General of Mexico in Vancouver, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico, Mexican Aerospace Industry Federation, and British Columbia Aviation Council, we invite you to an insightful conversation on high-value business opportunities for Mexico and British Columbia in the aerospace sector and related industries.
Pandemic-related supply chain disruptions bring about great opportunities for B.C. companies as providers or buyers of the thriving Mexican aerospace industry, which has emerged as one of Mexico’s leading industrial sectors.
With more than 350 companies, Mexican aerospace industry has held a 15 percent average annual growth during the last 10 years, receiving more than USD 6 billion in foreign direct investment. In 2020, Mexico ranked as the 15th biggest economy and the 14th largest foreign direct investment recipient in the world.
In 2019, Mexico was also the 14th largest importer and the 15th largest exporter, with Canada-Mexico bilateral trade close to USD 20 billion. During the last 20 years, Mexico has received more than USD 600 billion in foreign direct investment, destined primarily to the manufacturing sector. Geographical proximity, a dynamic manufacturing industry, macroeconomic stability and the legal framework provided by CUSMA make Mexico a very attractive business partner for B.C. companies.
British Columbia is the gateway to Canada’s competitive economy and Aviation is a critical part of British Columbia's competitive advantage.
With the third-largest aerospace sector in the country, B.C. is home to more than 160 related firms that employ over 8,000 people. The industry directly generates annual revenues of approximately $2.4 billion and value-added output (GDP) of $1.3 billion.
British Columbia also has one of the largest “MRO-ISS” sectors nationwide: The Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) sector along with the rapidly evolving In-Service Support (ISS) sector—an evolution of MRO that encompasses traditional services with high-value activities such as engineering, integrated logistics support and major systems upgrades—generate $768 million in GDP annually.
After the event, B.C. companies will be able to connect directly with the Consulate General of Mexico in Vancouver and the Mexican Aerospace Industry Federation. The Mexico companies will be able to connect directly with the British Columbia Aviation Council.

Berenice Díaz Ceballos, Consul General of Mexico in Vancouver
The Honourable George Chow, Minister of State for Trade, Province of British Columbia
Rodolfo Osorio de Carrera, General Director of Global Economic Drive, Ministry of Foreign Relations of Mexico
Mike Mueller, President and CEO, Aerospace Industries Association of Canada
Luis Lizcano, CEO, Mexican Aerospace Industry Federation

Xavier Hurtado, Aerospace Supply Chain Development Program Director, Mexican Aerospace Industry Federation
Alberto Robles, Strategic Sourcing, GE Aviation Mexico
Moderator: Gregory Freeman, Senior Economist, Regional Economic Prosperity Service, Metro Vancouver

Paul D. Boucher, Partner, Government Incentives Practice, BDO
Dave Frank, Executive Director, British Columbia Aviation Council
Kevin Lemke, Executive Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer, Cascade Aerospace
Moderator: Austin Nairn, Vice-President, Greater Vancouver Board of Trade and Executive Director, World Trade Centre Vancouver
Event Partners:

Global Partners:

World Trade Center Vancouver is part of the World Trade Centers Association, a not-for-profit, non-partisan association dedicated to the establishment and effective operation of World Trade Centers as instruments for trade expansion. The World Trade Centers Association is an international ecosystem of global connections and integrated trade services made up of over 324 World Trade Center locations in 89 countries, representing over 750,000 businesses globally.
In-Person/Virtual Hangar Hangout July 22, 6pm Pacific
Welcome to Hangar Hangout, BCAC’s monthly aviation and aerospace community initiative! Here you’ll have an opportunity to connect and converse with fellow aviation enthusiasts and professionals in the BC aviation community.
Join us on Thursday, July 22nd, 2021, from 1800-2000 hrs for our seventh casual get-together. We are so excited to announce that this will be an IN-PERSON event held in an actual hangar! But for those in our online community, this event will be also be live-streamed with a digital station, so attendees in the hangar can pop by and say hello to those attending online! It will be a fun hybrid evening of connecting!
BCAC's intention is to create an inclusive, friendly, and inviting environment for everyone to meet new people, socialize, and connect in the “hangar” setting we’ve all been missing.
Iskwew Air Hangar - Southside YVR
5360 Airport Road South, Richmond, BC, V7B 1B4
COVID restrictions will be in place, and if attending in-person, you'll be required to wear a mask and adhere to our COVID safety plan. We invite you to bring your own snacks and drinks! Please be responsible!
Special thanks to Iskwew Air for opening their hangar doors to us to hold this exciting event!
This event is free and open to all. Donations to BCAC's growing Scholarship Fund are graciously accepted.
We look forward to seeing you there!