Last Chance Conference, First Chance Online Auction
Collaborate with your colleagues and learn from our Industry Experts at the "Driving Recovery - June 5-7 Conference" at the New Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Prince George, BC. We have speakers from the tourism sector, the municipal and provincial government and regulatory bodies, the education sector, airports and carriers large and small, professional associations, First Nations, and more. Weigh in on the important challenges and opportunities facing the aviation and aerospace industry both here and at home.
Register Absolute Last Minute Now
The conference is also the launch pad for our rapidly expanding Online Auction, which continues to run for two weeks after James Hall, our emcee, closes the Driving Recovery conference. One half of gross revenues support our Canada-leading Scholarship Program, and the rest drives our other programs, especially Youth Engagement.
New items are added daily. Current average bid is at just 28% of Fair Market Value. Our thanks to our first item donors. We hope you will help us build this auction over the next 17 days. Donate items here.
Questions? Contact us at info@bcaviationcouncil.org

New air regs 'a one-size-fits-all solution' that will hurt northern communities
The new regulations are being phased in at the same time as Canada faces a growing shortage of pilots. Just one of the issues covered at the Driving Recover conference.
A northern air services lobby group says new Transport Canada regulations will cause major community and safety concerns if they are not deferred.
"As Transport Canada dithers on addressing regulatory issues, thousands of northern communities and businesses are paying a heavy price, some losing their livelihoods while others struggle with exponential cost increases and supply chain insecurities," says the Canada-wide Coalition of Northern Air Services and Stakeholders (CNASS).
Since 2020, Transport Canada has been phasing in new anti-fatigue regulations, the most recent of which was implemented on December 12, 2022 affecting 703 and 704 designated aircraft that primarily provide services to remote communities as well as resource-based industries, tourism, emergency services, firefighting, agriculture and more
“704 carriers” includes multi-engine aircraft that have a takeoff weight of 19,000 pounds or more and a seating configuration for 10 to 19 passengers. "703 carriers are single-engine aircraft or multi-engine aircraft that have a maximum takeoff weight of 19,000 pounds or less and a seating configuration of nine or fewer passengers. They are often referred to as air taxi operators. READ MORE
(Source: BayToday.ca, Photo/Lakes District Air)

Boundary Bay Air Show 2023
Alpha Aviation and the City of Delta are excited to announce the return of our annual airshow which will take place on Saturday July 22nd 2023.
Now in existence for 15 years, the Boundary Bay Airshow continues to be a tremendous success and a prevalent community event for Alpha Aviation Inc. and the City of Delta. It not only showcases aviation at its finest, but it is one of the few remaining free admission airshows that provides spectacular excitement and entertainment for the community. Visit https://czbb.com/airshow2023/ for more details.
Looking for a unique way to advertise your business at one of the City of Delta’s most anticipated events of the year? There are limited spots available for vendors and exhibitors from the aviation community to promote their business and demonstrate their product and service offerings at the 2023 Boundary Bay Airshow. Visit https://czbb.com/airshow2023-vendors/ for more details.
(Source: CZBB, Photo/Heath Moffat)


Saramac Consulting - Warren Everson
Highlighting just one of our conference panelists. Thank you to all for sharing your experience and expertise.
Warren Everson brings to his clients thirty- five years of Ottawa experience in a wide range of roles including political staffer, bureaucrat, management consultant and government relations practitioner.
During a decade-long career in the Canadian government, Mr. Everson served on the staffs of five Ministers including International Trade, Solicitor General, Indian Affairs & Northern Development and Transport.
Building on his particular expertise in transportation and tourism, he broadened his scope while working at StrategyCorp and Bell Canada. A seven-year tenure as Senior Vice President-Policy at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce made him a prominent policy influencer across a wide range of public issues affecting business.
Contact: warren.everson@saramacconsulting.com